20 Tips to Make Your Home Smell Better

A recent survey conducted by Ryerson University found a whopping 68% of Torontonians wanted their homes to smell better. They cited pet-related smells, cooking odors, and smoking among the things that bothered them most in their daily lives.

Keeping your home clean and smelling good is important to staying healthy, raising a family, and being a good neighbor. So when you're done reading these tips or articles on turning your house from run-down to great smelling, it will be time for action!

Tip #1: Forget the Candles

The freshest scents around are not potpourri or artificially-scented candles. They are fresh flowers, fruits, and veggies. A vase of daisies or lilies in the living room can relieve stress, while an apple pie in the oven can elicit memories of grandma's home—and baking!

Tip #2: Stock Your Kitchen Well

If your kitchen is well-stocked with fresh fruit, veggies, and essentials like olive oil or wine vinegar (great for marinades!), you won't be tempted to eat out every night after work because it will be easier to make a healthy meal at home.

Tip #3: Make Your Own Cleaners

Doing laundry is easy if you have enough good smelling soap sitting around—both liquid and powder varieties will do! Outside of that, you can make your own "cleaner" by adding a few drops of essential oil to white vinegar. Leave the mixture in a spray bottle and use it on everything from mirrors and windows to kitchen counters and more!

Tip #4: Try Aromatherapy

Some herbs cannot only add flavor to your daily meal, but they can also help keep things smelling fresh around the house. Sage is great for neutralizing odors while lavender is known for its calming properties—a nice scent when you've had a rough day at work!

Tip #5: Don't Forget The Trash...

OK, so this one isn't about making your home smell better necessarily... But it will make your life easier if you take out the trash more often! How many times did your mom tell you to take the trash out and you didn't? Besides having a smelly kitchen, it can also attract bugs and vermin. Ew!

Tip #6: ...Or At Least Your Trash Can

If you keep your trash can in the garage or too close to the litter box, it's time for an upgrade. Keep the lid covered with tealights—the light will shine through while keeping bugs away! Even better is getting a stainless steel garbage pail—they are easy to clean and look good.

Tip #7: Get A Good Central Vacuum Cleaner

Don't want to do all of the work yourself when it comes to making your home smell good? Invest in a central vacuum system. While you won't always have to clean, when you do want to use the hose and attachments, it will be so easy!

Tip #8: Clean... But Don't Over-Clean

While fresh smells are important, if your house feels too sterile and strange it might become unappealing. Give your guests a break and don't obsessively clean all of the time, and definitely get rid of that cheap air freshener scent.

Tip #9: Keep Your House Plants Alive!

Some plants just naturally make homes feel warm and cozy while specifically adding an extra to their olfactory environment. Ivy, for example, is both flowering and climbing - a great way to keep your home looking good while also smelling fresh!

Tip #10: Don't Use Artificial Scents

Forget those spray bottles filled with "fresh linen" or "summer breeze" scent. The only thing they are good for is masking odors using weird chemicals you can barely pronounce. Air fresheners are made up of very little actual essential oils, which means they do nothing at all for the smells in your home that bother you most. Unless you want to breathe them in 100% of the time!

Tip #11: Go For A Wood Stove

If you're lucky enough to have a wood stove know that if it's clean, it's going to give off an amazing smell. If possible, keep the stove door open when you're cooking dinner for that extra scent in your kitchen!

Tip #12: Keep Your Pets Clean

The smells of your pets are a part of what makes them so great... But if they are shedding, you might want to consider bathing them more often than you think! Their pheromones can be overpowering and not the best for guests.

Tip #13: Use Natural Cleaners

Did you know that most household cleaners are very bad for us? Most contain harmful chemicals like ammonia, bleach, or chlorine that can cause airway irritation. If you really need an all-purpose cleaner (and who doesn't?), try making one yourself with vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils like lemon or orange.

Tip #14: De-Clutter... But Don't Overdo It

Some people like having things "organized" but if your house looks too staged, without anything on the mantle, it starts to look like no one lives there. Keep clutter around—it creates a comfortable atmosphere that actually makes your home feel more lived in!

Tip #15: Get Rid Of That Old Smelling Towel

It seems so silly, but have you ever thought about why your towel smells so bad? It's because over time they pick up chemicals from the water you use and also bacteria from all of the times you dried off with them without washing them. Wash for longer for better drying results.

Tip #16: Open Up Windows When You Eat Dinner

I know this may seem strange but concentrating on your food after cooking can really make things smell amazing! If you're having guests over, do everyone a favor and let your dinner heat, open some windows, and enjoy the smells.

Tip #17: Don't Fix Something That Isn't Broken

This is especially true for cooking. No matter what you do, sometimes your food just won't smell good when it's done cooking... But if your casserole is making you sick because there's something off about the way it tastes, maybe try to cook it better next time!

Tip #18: Keep Your Houseplant's Drainage Hole Full Of Water

Plants can absorb some smells from the air and soil, so if you have a plant that smells a lot, make sure to keep the drainage hole filled with water. This will help reduce the smell of your entire home!

Tip #19: Make Your Own Glade Plug-In Refill

Do you know those plug-in refill containers at the grocery store? They are really expensive and filled with chemicals. You can make your own for much cheaper using essential oils and a spray bottle. Spray all over every day for fresh-smelling rooms!

Tip #20: Use Coffee Grounds In Your Compost Pile Or To Clean That Smelly Dishwasher

Coffee grounds are a great all-purpose cleaner and you're just throwing them away anyway! Put them in your compost pile or use them to scrub out the bottom of your dishwasher. It will get rid of that old smell and leave behind a nice, fresh scent.


Congratulations! You now know the top 20 tips to make your home smell better. Although those weird chemicals from those air fresheners you use might have been under control, they are very dangerous for breathing in every day so it's best if you cut them out as much as possible.

The final tip is to thank yourself for reading this article and making a positive change for you and your family!


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